Do you own a US based entity? Whether you own a corporation or partnership, we are here to help.
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A business entity considered separate from its owners needs to file a business tax return such as a corporation (1120) or partnership (1065). A limited liability corporation (LLC) with multiple owners can either accept its default status to be treated as a partnership or elect to be treated as a corporation. A single member LLC can either accept its default status to be treated as a disregarded entity or elect to be treated as a corporation. If you fall in any of the situations previously mentioned, we can help prepare your business federal tax return. A business entity may also need to file a separate business state tax return. The tax filing requirements vary from state to state.
Besides filing federal and state tax returns, corporations will generally have to make quarterly estimated tax payments if they expect to owe $500 or more in taxes. We can help assess whether your corporation will have to make quarterly payments and the amount of taxes that will need to be paid quarterly.